Sparking Outlet? Common Electrical Wiring Issues at Home

When you turn on your lights and they flicker, it can be unnerving. Or when the power goes out in your home and you're left unsure whether or not it's something that can be fixed by a simple reset of the circuit breaker or requires professional help from a licensed residential electrician auckland.
These are common problems that homeowners face all the time and need to have fixed quickly before they become more serious issues. Luckily, there are many reasons why these electrical issues may occur with your home wiring system—and fortunately most of them can be solved relatively easily!
If you're experiencing these issues at home yourself or just want to know how to keep your appliances working properly for years to come, read on:

Lights are flickering

If you notice that your lights are flickering, it could be indicative of a problem with the wiring in your home. There are several things that can cause this issue, including loose wires and shorts. If you suspect that there may be an electrical problem with your home's wiring system, contact a qualified residential electrician auckland immediately.

Power Outage at Home

If you're experiencing a power outage at home, you should check the circuit breaker and fuses first. If they are not tripped, then you should check your wiring to make sure it's not lose or damaged. Make sure that all wires are connected correctly, such as those leading from your fuse box or circuit breaker panel to outlets and light switches throughout your home.
residential electrician auckland

Switches and Receptacles Don't Work Properly

The first thing you should do is check the circuit breaker. If it's tripped, reset it and see if your switch or receptacle comes back to life.
If that doesn't work, there could be a problem with your wiring. The next step is to have an electrician come out and inspect it for any damage or loose connections (both of which can cause problems). If everything looks okay in terms of wiring, then hiring residential electrician auckland helps to check out the receptacle itself--it might just be broken!
If so, call an electrician ASAP so they can replace it for you before anything worse happens (like getting electrocuted).

Sockets Keep Overheating and Burning Out

You may be experiencing this issue if you have a light socket that keeps overheating and burning out. The first thing to check is the circuit breaker, which could be tripped. If not, then you'll want to check the outlet itself for loose screws or wires; damage from water or other sources; reversed polarity (the black wire should be connected to the brass screw); and corrosion on any exposed metal parts of your electrical system.

Electrical Shock When Touching an Appliance or Device

Your first step is to unplug the device or appliance. This will prevent any further electrical shock and also ensure that it is safe to touch.
Once you've done this, if your skin is still tingling or feeling hot or cold, then you may have been given an electrical shock and should call a professional electrician immediately.


Now, you know what to do if your home electrical system is acting up. Remember that it's always best to call residential electrician auckland if you have any questions or concerns about your wiring.